Halito – Another Election Year

I guess I can’t start a post without saying it’s been awhile. The last post was in 2015 right after the Chief selected by the former Chief of the Choctaw Nation had won his election in a landslide. I saw with my own eyes and heard loud and clear at my own family reunion that Choctaws were not interested in change. It didn’t matter about the federal trial where testimony indicated that those perpetrating the wrong doing KNEW they were doing so. I am thankful there was a sense of shame emanating from those on the witness stand. At least they felt a twinge of guilt. Imagine if the BIA had decided to remove our status as a tribal sovereign nation until we could get our act together? It happens, just ask the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes their tribal workforce was devastated they lost countless jobs and it took years to regain their status.

Since we last “spoke” I went my own way and held contract positions with several tribes. I have met some wonderful people and almost got frostbite on my ankles walking from my hotel 50 feet to a restaurant in Barrow Alaska. I was bundled up but apparently not enough. I worked with the Osage for years and was invited to their once a year gathering. I felt honored because watching them dance was a privilege that only the invited could see. My daughter went to their grade school called “Indian Camp Elementary”. I was tribal administrator for a smaller tribe but the politics was too much for me. If you think Choctaw politics is small try a tribe with close to 800 members. However, seeing tribal members thrive working for their own tribe and fostering the younger generation to be a part of that – that was my takeaway. I will never forget showing a senator around the Eagle Aviary and thinking about the tribal member who took it upon himself to become an eagle “doctor”. Those birds are majestic and I can’t describe what it felt like to be a part of something that special.

My Choctaw mother passed away. She used to read my blogs and call me with excitement. She had campaigned hard for Wendell David (she paid for it too) during the Chief Robert’s years. Maybe that need to charge windmills came from her? Losing that anchor was devastating. It’s been years and if I could hear her voice today she would say, “WHY IN THE HELL IS OUR CHIEF CAMPAIGNING FOR COUNCIL CANDIDATES???” Yeah that’s exactly what she would have said. Hence the reason I spent an hour trying to remember my username and password for this old blog. I changed the picture back to Tecumseh (my favorite native leader) and started to write. I have been contacted over the years by Choctaws being treated unfairly or wondering why about certain things. My standard response is “Choctaws don’t want change”. I still believe this but then why is Nellie still fighting?

I don’t know Nellie Meashintubby but I read her social media posts fairly often because she is a honey badger. Those of you who follow funny videos or political satire will know what I’m talking about. Nellie doesn’t care she will say what’s on her mind. Sometimes I wonder if she is the anti politician. I have laughed out loud at her not because she’s funny but she doesn’t care she will name names and call you out in a heartbeat. This is the kind of warrior we need in some capacity? AND what about James Dry??? Do you mean to tell me the Chahta he represents are actually proud this man represents them? They feel as if they finally have someone going to bat for them. What! You mean there are no requests to construction companies to add a little extra to their Choctaw Nation bill so they can build them something on their own private property? (You know I’m talking about you. You better hide that nasty bruise from that big kick back).

By the way, if you have worked at your job for years and you are Choctaw and you qualify to move into management or up another level of management don’t you think you should at least get an interview for the position? How many of you Choctaw people have had this happen since the last blog post? That’s what I see come through my email the most. It is my belief that Choctaw need to protect our Indian preference or we risk losing it. Do I believe that Choctaw should get a free ride? You clock in and mentally clock out – absolutely not. As Choctaw people we need to show others that we take pride in our Native Nation and that we have a strong work ethic. It has been my experience that most Choctaw have a strong work ethic, as a matter of fact, most tribal members from other tribes have a strong work ethics as well.

I would love to see how many non natives hold high positions, executive level positions in the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma. You know what I have noted – non natives do not understand native personalities (unless you grew up or are married to one). 90% of us are quiet, funny, witty, AND QUIET. I did some work for the Falmouth Institute and one of the instructors who was non native was just at a loss as to why he wasn’t getting the same reactions to his teaching style that he received from the non native corporate world. He said, “they’re not laughing at my jokes. I get nothing”. I was kind of shocked because I’m pretty sure they found him funny. I was there taking the class. I wonder if I laughed when I thought it was funny? I kinda feel sorry for him now. So this in a round about way brings me to a point. Why does our leadership look for upper level executives from all over the United States who know nothing about Native Culture and since there are 574 tribes with different languages and cultures how can they understand the tribe they are coming in to manage? What makes them better? Is it the amount of education they have? Practical experience? Hands on experience? Working with natives experience? Our world is a whole DIFFERENT ball game for them and how does that make it better when they have been getting fed DIVERSITY hiring all through their management classes? It isn’t supposed to work that way in tribes because of Native Preference. Do those upper level management have something to offer? Sure they do. Is it as much as say the mechanic who has been there 20 years who’s Choctaw and knows the job inside and out yet wasn’t considered? Well that’s how Gary Batton got HIS job. He was Choctaw and knew the CNO inside and out. He also met the blood quantum requirement. I don’t understand it and probably never will because Choctaws don’t like change and if a Chief really had the Choctaw people’s best interests at heart he could stay in his leadership role till he died. Oh wait we already have that except without the checks and balances of a healthy government system. You see we have what’s called a dynasty within our native nation. Our dynasty is not by blood but by one chief handing the reigns to their pick for the next chief. That lucky individual has all of the resources of a rich nation to support them – money, MARKETING (ooooh that’s a big one), familiarity, lack of a willingness to change.

I’ve kind of rambled tonight but I think we had to re-introduce the spirit of Choctaw Wright. We have elections coming up and some strange things are happening. My brothers, my sisters we need to revamp our Constitution because we are so large. Our numbers are so large that our leaders are dealing with not Millions but BILLIONS and leaders without boundaries who surround themselves with yes men put themselves at risk for nefarious actions. So why do you think our Chief is campaigning for council candidates? It’s not just this upcoming election either. I heard the exact same thing last election cycle different candidates different district. We can make a difference or Nellie wouldn’t still be holding her ground and James wouldn’t be holding the office he holds.

If you would like to start a conversation please do so. If you want to expose corruption in the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma make sure you’re giving a first hand account or you know the person who can give it. You can remain anonymous when giving information publicly on this blog but you will need to give me your name (I will not reveal it) or otherwise it’s just hear say.

Next week we will talk about some things attributed to this administration that are grant programs and explain how that process works. You will be amazed at how well our tribal grant writing department is.

Chi Pisa La Chike,


Old Chief, New Chief

Halito Brothers & Sisters,

Well my Chahta family we have a new Chief, Gary Batton. I say new because the Chahta people have spoken (as it should be) and Miko Batton was actually voted in. As a people we have won because there was an actual race with an actual opponent and, going on faith, an honest outcome. As a people we have lost as well because the challenger didn’t have access to a million dollar campaign fund politely handed to her by the former chief nor did she have an army of employees going door to door to campaign for her. I heard many family and friends say they just didn’t know a lot about the challenger. I saw her video, her biography and brochure and still knew nothing concerning her business acumen or her qualifications to run a tribal nation as large as the CNO. I felt she was sincere in her desires for leadership with integrity but that’s not enough to win a campaign. Gary Batton was sincere in his goals and objectives as well and he had the money and power to let everyone know.

We have no new council members. However, we had candidates which isn’t always the case so I still see this as progress. I want to look at Bob Pate’s seat in District 11 for a moment and show this as an example for the need to have an active political party with actual candidates. Bob Pate ran against Nellie Meashintubby, William Frye and Henry Byington. Combined the opposing candidates secured approximately 44% to Pate’s 56% with a little over 800 votes to be split amongst them. Had there been a preliminary election for opposing candidates where only voters in District 11 could vote it may have made a difference in District 11. The voters would have shown who of the opponents were strongest then all of the splintered support could have been united behind the most viable candidate. I want to commend Henry Byington for calling on the Chahta people to support our new Miko and our Council. This is how we should conduct ourselves with class and dignity. The other candidates may have made statements of support and I just haven’t seen them so I don’t want to imply that they too have not shown their support for our leadership.

Sadly, there was plenty of intimidation still lingering in the current elections and often times the intimidators take it upon themselves to act like goons. We as a strong people should put an end to the bullying and the oppression by these individuals. There are facebook groups I don’t even visit anymore due to the adolescent antics and the bullying that went on within those groups. We should hold our status as a sovereign nation with more dignity than what I’ve seen from small fractions within the reform movement. Healthy discussion leads to a more responsive and accountable government.

I am in agreement with Mr. Byington it is time to support our ELECTED Miko and Council and prepare for the next round of elections. To those elected officials congratulations I realize what a huge responsibility you have chosen to undertake and my prayers are with you to lead our people with integrity. Congratulations to the people who decided to run for office knowing the task would be monumental and almost impossible. It’s people like you who will always stay in the back of our elected officials minds helping to keep them honest. You are winners and deserve a place of honor.

One last thought, Miko if you had released the voters list, opened up the campaign fund and had announced consequences for intimidation you would have won by an even bigger landslide so I ask that you consider true campaign reform because the Chahta who does that will truly make history with no clouds or whispers. Congratulations my Chief.

Chi Pisa La Chike,

S. Crowder

Before Casting that Vote

Halito Sisters & Brothers,

I noticed on Facebook many Chahta proudly displaying their ballots for the upcoming elections. It warms my heart just to see that we actually have people who are brave enough and are willing to stand up to a decades old system that is well known for it’s unfriendly (to say the least) attitude for those candidates who are not incumbents. We have come quite a ways since the last election cycle and we have so much farther to go for the sake of our descendants.

While there is no candidate to run against Perry Thompson so I can’t vote for council I have cast my vote for Chief. I paused to think before marking my ballot because I know next to nothing about the challenger. I don’t know about her background and I don’t know where she stands on the issues that have plagued our Chahta government for decades but I marked her name as my choice because I do know a thing or two about our current Miko.

I know that he most likely has good intentions but no business experience outside of the CNO. I know that his efforts toward election reform while historic were very shallow. I know that there is no TERO at the CNO. This means that Choctaw business owners and employees have no recourse in their own tribal nation to take advantage of Choctaw preference. I know that he has never answered the question concerning the campaign fund. I know that he is surrounded by the old guard and that, to me, is what we have had since I was a child riding along with my mother campaigning for Wendell David. That campaigning cost my mother her job at the tribally owned Indian Clinic in Hugo all for the right of Choctaw people to have a vote that actually counted. I know that during this election year I have seen more expensive commercials with Miko’s face in them than any other time that I recently remember. I know that some Chahta’s with large families are now receiving some big promotions. Ironically, these are promotions they should have had long ago.

So tonight I want to really encourage our absentee voters (I count myself among you) to think about the legacy Gary Batton proudly carries into his office, an office that we didn’t elect him into. He carries with him corruption, greed and disregard for the well-being of the Chahta people. He carries with him a legacy of intimidation and force. He carries with him a false sense of importance and that is due to lack of experience in other business arenas. I had hoped that he would carry something else. I had hoped that he would change the system. That he would speak frankly and honestly. That he would announce that any employee using intimidation and threats during the election year would be immediately terminated. I had hoped he wouldn’t participate in the jobs for votes practice. He proved my hopes to be futile. Absentee voters we need YOU to set the stage for real change by voting for the challenger. You can break the strength of the chain that has held us back for decades. The opposition has no secret campaign fund and she doesn’t have the power to intimidate those Chahta who work for the nation. If she doesn’t fulfill the duties of a Chief with integrity and business acumen we will have the choice to vote her out next election cycle. Remember the longer those corrupt old guard people hold top positions in our government the longer it will take for us to rid ourselves of them. This is our chance to send a clear message concerning integrity and answering to the very people leadership is charged with serving.

I would also like for you to view this short documentary concerning the struggle we have dealt with in our corrupt political system. When I first watched it I was shocked. Even though I had known about the intimidation and the strong armed tactics to see even a glimpse of it against one of our elders infuriated me. What you should remember is that this is the legacy that Batton continues to proliferate. The link to the documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugc1AoPs_gk

Chi Pisa La Chike,

S. Crowder  (CW)

New Candidates and Old Tactics

Halito Brothers & Sisters,

There is no doubt that the fight for transparency and free elections is gaining ground and that, in part, is due to Chief Batton. I want to give credit where credit is due. The recent inclusion of short bio’s of the candidates and the incumbents into the Biskinik is a historical event as is the committee on election reform. The option to have candidate information sent to registered voters is also of historical significance. There’s your credit.

Now, let’s look at how far we have to go. The CNO has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on a beautiful state of the art website. Why aren’t there candidate/incumbent interviews on it? I am an absentee voter and I would like to get a feel for the candidates running for office that’s hard to do in a short bio. Where were the questions? There are so many how could anyone just simply leave them out? The first one would be, “why do you want to run for a Chahta council seat”? I think that’s a pretty simple question that our tribal newspaper failed to even ask. The crusaders for opposition to the status quo, The Choctaw National party, were the ones to video candidate forums. It’s amazing what can happen when Chahta voters can’t get the information needed from your own tribe. I applaud the efforts of the fledging opposition party.

I also applaud the new candidates running for council seats and am especially happy to see Ohoyo Chahta running for Chief and District 11 Council. I am, however very disappointed that Perry Thompson (District 8), Thomas Williston (District 1), Kenneth Bryant (District 3) and Ron Perry (District 5) have gone unopposed. Tell me Okla Chahta what message does this send to have these candidates unopposed since they are the very men who have continuously slapped down releasing the voters registration list? It’s obvious to me we need to remove the residency requirements for candidates from the Choctaw Constitution.

I am saddened to see huge amounts of money being spent on this campaign by the Chief and incumbent council and no one wants to answer where the campaign monies are coming from (when you vote that should be a major major deciding factor for the Chief’s Office). Even as I write this I think about the man who is to serve 15 years in prison for monies that went through several hands not just his. He shouldn’t be sitting in federal prison alone.

Not to mention using residency requirements to disallow other candidates to run for office especially when it wasn’t an issue when Tony Messenger lived in Durant but had a home in Broken Bow. Now, I like Tony Messenger I believe his heart is in the right place but if you are going to have rules then those rules need to apply to everyone or no one.

Lastly, the election board should be independent of the chief and council offices – period. To have them appointed by our leadership is another shallow attempt at the appearance of propriety and truth. Any board that is appointed by the Chief answers to the Chief, it just makes sense.

Chi Pisa La Chike and don’t forget VOTE VOTE VOTE!

S. Crowder (Choctaw Wright)

The Elusive Mysterious Campaign Fund

Halito Brothers & Sisters,

I have received word that the lavish kick off campaign party for Miko Batton was paid for out of a long standing campaign fund. Council members and Chiefs in the past have not had challengers for their seats in office, hence the surplus. My question would be where do these funds come from? Is the bank account where the funds are housed pay interest and if so to whom? Are these funds from Enterprises? Are they donations or a combination of both? To me, and feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, sound like funds that belong to the Chahta people. Why, you may ask. Well because they wouldn’t exist without the sovereignty and existence of our tribe and our tribe wouldn’t exist without our people.

The question about whether these funds were added to by a former Chief with donations from certain construction companies is also in question. Is this the same fund mentioned at the Jason Merida trial? Which begs the question, why do we even have to ask all these questions? This my Chahta family is at the heart of transparency. I personally don’t see anything wrong with having a special campaign fund that acquired it’s monies through any of the above mentioned ways. I would just like someone, anyone to stand up and say “yep it’s a campaign fund and here is the money trail”.

Also, as you know I think it’s ludicrous that a person would have to be well above upper middle class to run for an elected office within our tribe. I’ve said this on numerous occasions. Listen carefully to what I am about to write, if this campaign fund, belongs to the Chahta people then it shouldn’t benefit ONLY the sitting elected officials as it does now. An agreed upon amount should be divided evenly to all the candidates that qualify to run for an elected office. Then after receiving the amount of funds no one candidate should be allowed to spend an exuberant amount of money over that fund amount. If receipts need to be turned in showing the funds were actually used for campaign materials then so be it. We don’t want our tribe to mirror that particular trait of our federal government where millions are spent to attain an elected office.

So as we are readying ourselves to vote I ask only that as a Chahta citizen that you gather all the information you can about the candidates in each council district and the candidates for Chief. It is important to discern between expensive campaign materials and rhetoric verses grass roots efforts for change. This election year is so very important after the exposure of corruption and the rejection of transparency concerning distribution of the registered voters list. Our elected officials must be held accountable. So far, they have refused to answer questions that we as Chahta deserve answers to. They may even have logical legitimate answers but the silence is deafening and reeks of the old school mentality of keeping our people in the dark.

I suspect that you, like me, could handle the truth.

Chi Pisa La Chike

S. Crowder (Choctaw Wright)

Update: Choctaw Wright Goes Dark on Facebook

Halito Sisters & Brothers,

Recently, it was brought to my attention that apparently Choctaw Wright was reported for assuming a false identity and Facebook had pulled the page.  Therefore, I want to announce the end of Choctaw Wright.  I had given thought to attempting to retrieve the page, but, as most of you know I have already revealed my true identity. I have decided to write my opinions under my real name of Stephanie Crowder.  For the benefit of our people, I am descended from the Jones, Bacon, Leflore, Crowder and Gardner families.  I will be posting on my personal Facebook account. So, if you “friended” Choctaw Wright, please send a friend request to Stephanie Crowder to receive announcements.

I hope this blog post finds you excited about the coming elections for leadership of the Chahta people. Along those lines, I want all of you to know that I am not supporting any candidate at this time.  I may share candidate notices on my Facebook but it’s only to promote the democratic process.  I believe the Chahta people deserve all of the information regarding each candidate and their platforms. We have a right and an obligation to vote, but, we must have all of the information available to make informed, intelligent decisions on which candidate will best serve the needs of all the members of this great Choctaw Nation. When we take the information we have been provided to the polls, the stronger our election process will becomes.  We also have an obligation to voice our opinions and on this I think we have come so much farther than we were even three years ago.  I would like to think I had a small part in that transition, but, there are many Chahtas’ who have been fighting this fight for a very long time. I am humbled to follow in their paths in the ongoing quest for transparency and integrity in our government.

One thing regarding our existing government that I would like to emphasize and give thanks for, is that we can fight for transparency and democracy without the threat of repercussions from Miko Batton.  I don’t agree with everything he may be instituting, but I am a supporter of the positive changes he is making as Chief.  Chahtas’ especially Chahta employees can now have the freedom to vote for the candidate they choose.  If for some reason, you are pressured or overtly threatened to vote a certain way, please contact me.  We must continue with progressive, positive change while moving forward and stomp out those who would force us back into our dark ages.

As the blog reaches almost 70,000 hits, I want to thank so many people for your continued support. I want to reiterate that as Chahta’s, it is our right as well as our responsibilities to make changes in our government that benefit our members equally.  The blog started out as an angry rant but has now turned into something more positive as well. There are a group of remarkable Chahta Ohoyo’s to thank for this change.  They have encouraged me to turn my personal injustice into a vehicle for change for our people as a whole. I am so invigorated because what began as a small group of Chahta Women has permeated through Chahta families, once again proving the power of good people committed to change.

I am currently gathering a list of questions for all candidates running for office.  If you would like to have a question answered or at least asked please email me at stephaniecrowder@live.com. Or add it here on the CVB blog.

I look forward to receiving your questions and providing new and innovative ways (expect another announcement soon) to connect with our Chahta people.  Chi Hollo Li.

Chi pisa la chike,

CW (S. Crowder)

(Stephanie Crowder has written under the pseudonym Choctaw Wright and Muriel Wright since December 21, 2011)

Smoke and Mirrors in McAlester

Halito Sisters & Brothers,

Our Chief is announcing his candidacy by throwing a huge party in McAlester with none other than Neal McCoy as entertainment. Here I sit shaking my head again. Who will be the guest speaker the anti-native Governor Mary Fallon? Who planned this kickoff event? It must be the same old people who seem to always plan them because it’s just like the ones the former chief and the felony chief had to announce their “candidacy”. I am trying so hard to see the silver lining for our current Chief but so far I see a man who cannot get true election reform and who is walking in the same muddy foot prints as those who have come before him. Let me tell you the sad part – this Chief has so much potential. Who in the world is advising him to throw an obviously outrageously expensive party only months after the Merida trial? How much is it costing? Who is paying for it? Who will be working it? Where is the million dollars noted in the federal trial that former Chief Pyle put away for your campaign? Is this where the money is coming from? Will there be transparency concerning how much JUST the kickoff event cost? And I mean down to the last lavish give away.

Can you not see and hear the Chahta people questioning your integrity? Let me tell you what I had hoped you would do and really what I thought you would be advised to do. Announce your candidacy in the most dignified possible way in the same fashion as “town hall” meetings. Invite any opponents or just regular hard working, struggling, Chahta’s to bring you their questions in a public forum and answer them as honestly as you can. Invite the absentee voters to participate by sending in questions by joining a meeting via Skype. Chahta’s are soooo tired of the smoke and mirrors and it’s very disappointing to know you cannot see that. If you must have music then have our Chahta people sing. Our tribe has some of the most beautiful voices out there, turn your candidacy announcement into a CHAHTA celebration. I’m sure Neal McCoy is a swell guy and a fantastic 90’s singer but I don’t associate him with our people. It’s insulting to think that this is part of your strategy for clearing your name? Insulting and very frankly, ineffective. You will have mostly employees there and some Choctaw people there as well but the whisperings will be about the money and you walked right into it. I would take a good long look at who is advising you concerning your strategy and let them know what worked in previous decades will not work the same way now not after all of the corruption. Pandora’s Box has been opened and a new flat screen isn’t going to close it.

This Chief, while not elected by the Chahta people, has so many positives working in his favor such as having managed a multi-billion dollar business. I bet a lot of you don’t know that he has been the one overseeing a business as the CEO for years now. Not just checking on it now and then but down in the trenches making big decisions. Why wouldn’t that be the focus? Why the circus? Tell me, tell us everything that qualifies you to be our Chief because it’s so much more than a title.

Be your own man don’t isolate yourself with the old guard. When I see that over the top party (and I’ve seen it in the past – was made to blow up balloons for it) I think of my grandmother and my room at her house. I would be lying in my bed and if it was windy outside my hair would blow in the wind as if the window was open. Why can’t we use all of these political dollars to insure safe and secure housing for our elders? Why does it take millions of dollars to run as a candidate for Choctaw Chief? Where did this go wrong? We have to look at this my Chahta family for what it is. We have to hold the amount of money it takes to throw this celebration in one hand and our elders’ needs in the other and see which is heaviest. My guess would be it’s about the same except the money hand benefits our people the least and our elders are still struggling. It’s a shame. The hunting trips, the fake boobs, the extravagant cars and the elitist parties while our elders do the best they can. I am beginning to wonder if we will ever be given the chance to make it right.

Chi pisa la chike,

CW (S. Crowder)

(S. Crowder has written under the pseudonym Choctaw Wright and Muriel Wright since December 21, 2011)

Candidates & Community Centers

Halito Sisters & Brothers,

I have received word just today that Chahta employees can no longer run for an elected office unless they resign their positions. Good thing Tony Messenger, Greg Pyle, Gary Batton, you were assigned your positions before this new rule was enacted. Whew…really dodged a bullet on that one. What happened did Birdie get too many votes? Was this rule brought before the council or introduced by the council? If it was, man that got passed fast. I thought things took a few decades longer than that. Were the people consulted about this new rule at all? I didn’t think so.

You may sense a little anger and frustration and believe me you do. I have heard from other Chahta employees about past voters registration list usage. Yes, my Chahta family the sacred voter’s registration list has been shared in the following ways:

“We were given pages of voters with all of their contact information. We were dropped off in a different county and went door to door. We would call and offer to pick up their vote. We would call continuously if they were undecided about who to vote for. Everyone saw that list and working to get the vote was not a choice it was a command”.

So let me get this straight. Thousands of employees are forced to work the elections? Yes, I believe it because I’ve seen it. Yakoke for contacting me and telling me about your experience. This concerned Chahta wasn’t the only one who contacted me. Please read further:

“I’m tired of this. I’m just not going to do it anymore and I have done it. I have let them (CNO) tell me what to do and when; whether it was my time or theirs. I have let them tell me who to vote for and when to work at fundraisers. My children are grown and live on their own. I don’t have to let them take away my rights ever again and if I get fired at least I have only myself to worry about supporting”.

Is this where we are Chief? Is this where we are Councilmen? Did Tony Messenger not say he didn’t like people ignoring the election reform progress and choose to attack them on releasing the voter’s list? He said he felt like it was the Middle East or something. How do you think we the Chahta people feel Tony? I agree with you it DOES feel like the Middle East or something. We have no rights and it’s still condoned to intimidate and threaten candidates. Is this the century where we will still take away people’s livelihoods for exercising their right to vote? I agree Tony after all this time it’s still like some violent dictatorship. Why don’t we use this expedited Council process to pass a regulation about intimidating and threatening candidates? Why not say if you do this you get fired because that’s not what democracy is all about. Could that be passed as quickly as employees can no longer run without resigning their positions?

Okay, now tell me what Indian nation doesn’t allow their candidates to campaign at their community centers but does allow the nahullo political candidates who are running for senate or whatever office campaign at their community centers – that’s right the CHOCTAW NATION of OKLAHOMA. Our own candidates cannot campaign at our own community centers but the Boren family can. Tell me this is something that went before the council? Did they vote on this too? Once again if they did that was passed quickly? If not who made that rule? Please someone let me know because this is Tiananmen Square China not the 10 ½ counties of the Choctaw Nation.

I congratulate and I challenge this Chief on election reform but it’s a long way from being done and the time is approaching to elect new officials. Come out with it! Tell the truth and be proud of it. The Chahta our TIRED of the tyranny and the threats and intimidation. It’s time to make the changes necessary and if we don’t watch out brothers and sisters the reform will be delayed and pushed back until the elections have come and gone. Now is the time to show them who they are charged to represent and reclaim your right for free and unbiased elections. Register to vote, encourage people to run let’s get rid of this council and get a council that can get things done who are honorable and have the welfare of the Chahta people uppermost in their mind and not their enormous rates of pay.

Chi pisa la chike,

CW (S. Crowder)

(S. Crowder has written under the pseudonym Choctaw Wright and Muriel Wright since December 21, 2011)

Marked for Removal

Halito Brothers & Sisters,

Election reform supported by Miko Batton and recommended by the Election Reform Committee has met a somewhat expected road block:   The Choctaw Council; any change in procedure must be approved by a percentage of the council without this approval the proposed changes are dead in the water. Our elected Choctaw Council has chosen not to approve key aspects of the proposed changes. The road blocks are coming from every council member except Anthony Dillard. It is my opinion that council members who make up to $151,000 per/year to represent the Chahta citizens should do just that represent the majority of Choctaw citizens. There are however some suggestions that have been approved and they are as follows:

  • The most significant is candidate access to the Biskinik – We will have to wait and see exactly how this is formatted.       I know as a Chahta I want to know the candidates platform and their management experience. I want to know where the campaign finances are coming from and if they support accountability and transparency across the Chahta leadership. If I want to donate to their campaign I want to know how I can do so.
  • A step by step process for receiving absentee votes in the mail.  I do not have the exact procedure but the jist of the process is to insure the integrity of the mailed votes.

The big issue and one of the most important parts of election reform is release of the voters list with contact information. The argument is that some voters don’t want their information released to the candidates. Did you know as an American Citizen that all elections have a voters list that is freely released to all candidates? That’s right every election big and small has a voters list that is free to the candidates. I have to shake my head, every election except at the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma. What they have decided to do is send out an update sheet where you update your information such as address and other contact information which is fine – and your social security number and then they ask if you want your information released.

You know what, I wouldn’t want my social security number released to anyone in this day and age of stolen identities. So why implement this process, is it a tactic used to encourage, even subliminally, a person to not want to release their information? I want the candidates to know my address, my name, my telephone number, my email address and my Choctaw Membership ID they don’t need to know anything else. Did you know that every other tribe has a voters list that is given to candidates? Why do we as the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma have to distinguish ourselves as the only tribe who refuses to release the registered voters list? We already distinguish ourselves as being the only tribe with a non-elected Chief and Assistant Chief? In addition, the voters list and the Biskinik list is used by our leadership for other purposes such as sending the update form and sending absentee ballots. In essence the voter’s list is already being distributed to leadership within the CNO but it remains unavailable to registered candidates. That doesn’t sound quite right.

Every council member who voted not to release the voters list has expressed the need to protect those who don’t want their information released. Okay what about the thousands of voters who realize they have a responsibility once they register to vote to gather all possible relevant information concerning candidates who are running against the all-powerful incumbents? Who is protecting us? Listen sisters and brothers the only council member concerned about our rights as Chahta citizens is Anthony Dillard. The rest are taking a small segment of voters and using that segment to insure their own re-elections. You men have had the upper hand for decades and you’ve used a corrupt and immoral system to better the lives of you and your own. You will be marked for replacement. We will choose, as is our right, to fire you.

This paragraph I have saved for the registered voters and for the Chahta’s who are sure to register for the upcoming election in the summer of 2015. When you register to vote you have a responsibility to open your eyes and ears and listen to those people who wish to run for office. If you are one of the few who do not want to release your contact information then don’t register because you are aiding and abiding the loss of democracy for your own Chahta people. You are assisting these men to increase their own power and instead of listening to us, the Chahta people, they begin to believe they are untouchable and that’s when we see such obvious abuse of power.

Choctaw reform committee and Choctaw Nation leadership don’t ask us to turn in our social security numbers that should already be attached to our tribal membership at the TM office. As a matter of fact, reform the entire list and bring it into the 21st Century before the 22nd Century, this means putting into place procedures for culling those who have passed away and those who have chosen to be part of another tribe. Let us be known as a tribe that saw its shortcomings and lead the way to transparent fair and unbiased elections. And for those Choctaw Councilmen who are so proud of passing some election reform but refuse to release the voters list because change takes time – you have had DECADES if you can’t get it done by now you will never get it done; plain and simple.

The following council members are not only up for re-election in 2015 but voted to not release the voter’s registration list and are marked for removal this election year unfortunately we will need to remove the additional council members next election cycle:

District #1

Thomas Williston, Idabel

District #2

Tony Messenger, Broken Bow ( not seeking re-election at this time)

District #3

Kenny Bryant, Talihina

District #5

Ron Perry, Stigler

District #8

Perry Thompson, Hugo

District #11

Bob Pate, McAlester

My people it is imperative that these men be removed from office. I cannot stress enough the need to show our elected officials what it means to ignore the majority of the very people they represent.

Chi pisa la chike,

CW (S. Crowder)

(S. Crowder has written under the pseudonym Choctaw Wright and Muriel Wright since December 21, 2011)

Undeniable Progress

Halito Sisters & Brothers,

There has been much said about the last blog post entitled BLANK and I felt the need to respond.  Many people have asked me what changed my opinion about Miko Batton.  After reading the testimony from the Merida trial I remembered when I was employed with the CNO Federal Agencies visiting the complex which is not unusual but someone said “Assistant had an audit and they found something, heads are gonna roll”.

That was toward the end of my tenure in 2011 and the timeline fits.  In addition, MIKO Batton has made strides toward distinguishing his time as Chief versus the former Roberts/Pyle regime.  He has begun an office of accountability (I don’t know the official title), he has set in place consequences for not hiring qualified Chahta people when they apply, and he has met with former chief candidate and longtime Chahta election reformist attorney Doug Dry and requested he be a part of an election reform committee.  These changes have been unheard of for forty some odd years.  Is there much more reform that needs to take place, absolutely and I am sure I will be writing about it because the Chahta people have a right to know from someone whose only motive is the betterment of the Chahta people.

I have read that I am a traitor to the reform movement for writing what I have written in the last two blog posts and I say this to you and yours:  No one will tell me what to write and the fact that you want to control it makes you no different than the current administration holding hostage the tribal paper, which by the way Miko has promised to open to candidates running for Choctaw leadership positions.

In my first few blog posts I made a list of what I wanted to see change within the CNO:

  • “Current Choctaw Nation Employees” published 1/7/2012 TERO or Choctaw Employee Rights Organization – Chief Batton has implemented an employee rights department and has encouraged strongly the rights of Choctaw employees
  • “Choctaw Registered Voter Contact Information” published 2/28/2012 – Calls for the release of the voter list which is being discussed through Chief’s Election Reform Committee
  • “An Unelected Chief” published 4/8/2012 – A call to be able to vote for our own Chief – the current Chief willing to campaign in a fair and unbiased election is a true sign of giving power back to the people

So call me what you want I will write from the perspective of a Chahta woman only wanting the best for my family and I will not dismiss the very real progress made by the current Chief.  Honestly, I didn’t think I would see it in my lifetime so I apologize to Chief Batton for underestimating him.

As for mudslinging I wrote the truth with evidence and I asked questions concerning the hypocrisy of a self-proclaimed leader of the reform movement who had admitted in court breaking federal campaign laws in her own campaign.  So if you call that mudslinging after what was written, pictures that were posted and jokes that were published concerning the trial then once again turn that microscope on yourself because ethics don’t apply only when you want them to.

As for the current administration the time for secrecy has passed.  Another tribal leader used to publish “The Report to The People” which was a glossy papered report of the budget with a narrative explaining the reasoning behind the expenses and mailed to every member who received the tribal newspaper.  This is transparency.

We as Chahta deserve to know the governing of our people through our tribal paper because that is the most used media outlet read by Choctaw people.  We are not children who need to be sheltered from the truth we are professional hard working people who want to know our tribe is in good hands.

I, for one, am excited by the progress made by our new Chief and look forward to even further reform.
